- Length of presentation material should be in accordance with your time assigned as follows;
- Each presentation file should include the abstract title, authors, affiliation, and presentation number.
- Poster presenters must upload both 2 min. pre-recorded talks (.mp4) + posters (16:9 landscape in pdf file, no page limit and
no specific format) Download Poster Template * Maximum Poster PDF File Size: 5MB
- Pre-recorded Video File Format: .mp4 (16:9 size, create from PPT) * Maximum Video File Size: 500MB
- Screen Resolution: 720p
- All presenters must be participate in Q&A in real time.
- All presenters must upload their pre-recorded presentation file and it will be operated by the QOS 2021 secretariat.
- Presentation file Submission Deadline is (Fri.) September 24, 2021 (Thur.) September 30, 2021, 23:59 KST. .
- All presenters must be participate in Q&A in real time.